I have been working more in my nature journal this fall. I am almost done drawing on all the pages in this journal. Once I get it all done, I will probably do a video of it. I think the sketchbook looks better as a whole than its individual pages.
I am back where I grew up in Buffalo this week celebrating Thanksgiving. I am staying at the house where I lived from ages 11-23. The neighborhood has changed quite a bit. When I was a kid, there were fields and fields behind my mother's house. In recent years, this has been replaced by house after house and the development has taken over all the places I used to play in. It makes me sad sometimes because in recent years when I came to visit I would take walks back there. Even though I could still hear the traffic from the 990, I still found peace with taking walks back there.
I found a path that pretty much lead to nowhere, but it gave me the opportunity to see what was growing which was basically nothing. I did find some dead milkweed plants.

I was able to get a few milkweed seeds from this plant which I am taking back home to Virginia. I am going to try to grow them in my small greenhouse.
Back at my mom's, I added a page to my nature journal. I have a lot of pages in here from my visits up here.